Grab your free workbook + mini masterclass to take you from 'master procrastinator' to ‘action taker’ TODAY!

Does this sound like you?


You just can't find the time or the energy to get sh*t done you feel ‘stuck’ in the overwhelm of change or life and don't know where to start 


You know what you want you want but favour netflix or phone scrolling binges over taking action for change that would benefit you 


You feel ‘stuck’ in the overwhelm of change or life and don't know where to start


You go ‘all in’ on something new and become so exhausted you avoid stepping out of your comfort zone 


You leave things until the last possible minute, and become a ball of stress and anxiety trying to get things done, and always feel like you've done a bad job 


You don't know what it is that's holding you back, but you just cannot find it within you to do ‘the thing’

How can I help you? 

Hi, I'm Elaine, author of the ‘Spring Into Action’ guide, successful ‘self love’ podcaster, therapist and life coach who has helped 100's of people change their lives using this exact approach. 

I was stuck in ‘inaction’ for years, repeating the same old patterns, not making changes and mentally berating and shaming myself for not doing or being enough.. it's a shitty cycle tbh, and one that I needed to get out of. 

Through coaching, therapy and testing my own methods, I changed my whole life!

  • Age 41 I retrained as a yoga teacher and quit my high flying corporate job and created ny wellbeing business 
  • Age 42 I became a certified Life Coach and became a student of psychotherapy
  • Age 43 I pivoted my business online and added hypnotherapy to my offerings 
  • Age 45 I became happily single, sold my house and moved to a new city
  • Age 47 I am thriving, evolving and no longer afraid of ‘doing life my way’

Along the journey, I recognised that many of my clients would feel overwhelmed by life and change, because it often takes them closer to who they truly are (or aren't) and developed the 'make it small, make it easy' method to help people create momentum, action and essentially a heap of self esteem that becomes the catalyst to keep moving. 

 you are one click away from change 

What's inside ‘Spring Into Action’ that will help you shift from procrastination into action?


A guide to the different types of procrastination, to help you understand your own journey  


Exercises to give you clarity and ‘the things’ you want or need to do


A step by step action plan that you can implement with ease


Journaling to learn more about your blocks and what is truly holding you back


A grounding meditation to help you feel less overwhelmed and connect to inner calm 


A mini masterclass to help you learnhow to use the journal, and some helpful information on becoming an action taker in your life 


A 5 day email series to support your journey and a personal invitation to my masterclass on Thursday 28th March and Sunday 6th April!

It's time start making life a little easier.